Heatherwind's Comments
(5) comments by Heatherwind

Comments by Date (5)
I just found a Larva on its own in Ghostlands near Goldenmist Village.
FINALLY caught mine on Nesingwary server at 2:15am (4:15 server). I kept spamming my target macro (ready with the Interact with Target hotkey) while my hubby flew around killing every rat and roach in range for about 45 minutes tonight. I caught a common white near the shore of bloodvenom falls by the road. It was made all the sweeter as 4 alliance campers hovered overhead and I snaked it out from under all of them. Time to put on a battle stone - this Sin'dorei has prevailed! HAHAHA ;D
Just caught a poor one on Nesingwary at 9:50pm server, in the tunnel midway to the main caverns. I had a target macro that was able to spot it from outside.
Finally got my Baby Ape today at 8 am (10am server) on Nesingwary. I'd waited all night and the rain started at 7:51 am (9:51 server), lasting around 45 minutes. I had the place to myself for nearly 20 minutes, and thanks to a speed forfeit macro I quickly cycled through 10 poors, 10 commons and 7 uncommons looking for the rare before other pet hunters showed up. Though I didn't find the blue, after 8 hours of waiting (catching other rare pets in the process) I'm happy with my green!
Finally caught mine (last one for the achievement) on Thrall at 9:15pm Pacific. Stopped by Khadgar's Tower to turn in a quest and thought I'd do a flyby with my target macro, and caught mine down at ground level in Zangarra right where No'Losh pats.