Heartlostangel's Comments
(4) comments by Heartlostangel

Comments by Date (4)
I just confirmed, as of patch 4.8, that capturing a Scorpling at the Dark Portal does count towards Kalmidor Safari acheivement. I had to fly around the top of the rim behind the portal for a few minutes before I saw a paw appear at the outer edge.
Took about 10 battles for a Rare H/P to pop up. Saw it had Sandstorm and went on a leveling frenzy, it does pretty awesome in pvp, depending on your opponents ;)
I logged off in whisperwind glade last night because it was monday night. Logged on this morning, flew around the pits for an hour and then read that killing the infernal sentries MIGHT help the spawn rate. So I killed them in a clockwise motion and when I came around on the second pass, I found one. It's grey, but hey, I'll not complain. A lot easier than the Val'kyr
So the RNG gods are pleased with me tonight- headed down with an eye on farming this pet along with completing the quests- all 3 were up, and I got the pet from 2 of the 3. It's 230 server time