Haxan's Comments
(20) comments by Haxan

Comments by Date (20)
OMG, this is great news! You made my day! =D
Too bad leveling in Hots is so slow. It will take time getting this pet
I know this was a joke and all, but I really wish all pets got some kind of graphical update. Right now many pets have really bad graphics. Just look at the frogs or marmots, they look terrible.
I'm sooo gonna get this!!!
Everyone wants these carps, none use them in pet battles....
Yeah, I also noticed this. The Captured flame is blue but the pet you get from it is green. I had this pet since before and also thought they changed it this year. Thanks to your comment I know they haven't. =)
You really need to update the info about where to find those rats on Tol Barad. The Wharf Rat does appear as primary pets in Rustberg Village, and there are a lot of them. You wrote "only found as an added pet, may join battle" which is totally wrong.
I'm so happy! I found a rare at 44.8 60.3 in Southern Barrens!!! It was about 9 in the morning so I guess most night gaming no-lifers were sleeping at that time, making this an easy ctach. =)
Thanks a lot for the tip about a rare at 41,18 in Southern Barrens! Can confirm that it works, found a rare one there. =)
Mac Frog, is Blizzard sponsored by McDonalds???
I'm really surprised no one mentioned that Topaz Hatchlings can be found in Deepholm in the cave at Verlok Stand (69 29). There are a lot of them there, so if you want a high level pet it's better to get one in that cave instead of running around in Maraudon.
Really easy to get a rare one, just fight some of them and a rare will soon spawn.
Exactly, these are also found on Isle of Thunder, found a rare one there.
The Oily Slimeling is a really powerful pet. Get a rare one and lvl it to 25 and you got yourself a real killer machine. Its "Corrosion" and "Acidic Goo" are really strong attacks against most pet families. I used my rare Oily Slimeling in several of the hardest pet battle fights in the "Pandaren Spirit Tamer" quests and in the "Beasts Of Fable" quests. I also use this most of the time boosting new pets that I lvl up.
Is this pet really worth using in battles? It doesnt have that many attacks, most of the spells are just healing and dodging.
Im so happy. I got a poor one but after a daily pet fable quest i got a rare flying stone so I turned my Crow to rare quality! =)
This battle pet is underestimated. Its poison attack is a real killer and it helped me in several hard battle pet fights, such against the pets in the Beasts Of Fable quest. I recommend you to lvl a rare snake to 25!
Is this good as a battle pet? Anyone leveled up one?
This bird is really strong, I used a rare one while defeating Grand Master Aki. If you look for a strong bird I really recommend this one.
Collaboration with Masters of the Universe confirmed.