Hawgsnawt's Comments
(6) comments by Hawgsnawt

Comments by Date (6)
Almost a guarentee that at some point the 2 shield effects will be moved to the same tier....atm it insta gibs anything with multi hit attacks... Falcasaurs, Zandal ankle/knee guys....anything that swarms, flocks, or uses a multi hit attack of any kind it just destroys... limited usefulness in pvp so far, but as a PVE pet, it destroys on the right matchup..
oh he is awesome against multi hit pets... anything that flocks or swarms usually one shots itself...
took me 2 days to get him after he was avaliable, got 9 drops thru farming across 3 alts ( multi drops on 4 of those 9 so that I ended up with 2 or 3 copies of some I already had ) sold the multi drops on AH, bought the few i needed to finish the chieve and stoned him to 25 immeadiately.... great looking pet which i expect to be nerfed eventually... its just too strong atm in some fights
Beat him twice so far on both days after the patch that the quest was avaliable, got one out of both bags, first one was a B/B breed, second one was the H/P breed....so evidently the drop rate on this one is quite high.....or I have silly amounts of luck.
EDIT: 4 kills, 3 pets...anyone else seeing this kind of drop rate on these.... seems almost messed up atm.... sure to be fixed soon....that or I should be buying Lotto tickets instead of playing WoW
Edit2: drop rate nerf confirmed
1147 casts in the big lake making the circle around and around and around....
800+ crawdads caught....61 crates...
Finally got Mr. Pinchy....first 2 wishes, Bupkis....3rd wish, bingo!
Stoned him to 25 instantly, with the team heal, the wish heal, and Surge which always goes first...he's a nice little pet
Took 11 hours total start to finish at 800 fishing skill, with Twilight Angler pole, and Fishing Hat Buff.... I was well over 1000 skill................................................. seems pretty RNG to me
I can confirm that they also drop off the LARGE elite felhold infernal looking things...I forget the name atm, but they are the large slow moving elites that roam the main paths....was not even camping it, just doing pet battles in the area for a spider, found a blue one I wanted, and killed the pathing mob so it would not aggro and interrupt the pet battle.... only 1 mob killed, and it dropped it /shrug
too cute not to get... love this little guy =o)
Get him quickly while the fishing is still being done in " raids " and there are near constant rare spawns...it took me 5 hours solo to get the rep needed to buy him, then i stumbled into a raid invite cross server and got enough to actually buy him in about 7 minutes...DEFINATELY faster in raids... I missed Margos Raids and doing it all the slow way is bad.... very very bad....