Harker's Comments
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Just completed this quest , just spammed 3 chickens approximately 4-5 times with the macro /chicken and got eggs from each.
I use Xu-Fu and 2 level 1 pets vs. Ashlei in Draenor pet battles. Moveset is Spirit Claws, Feed & Prowl.Pixiebell casts Moonfire, cast Spirit claw until Pixie is dead. Doodle comes in, cast prowl, feed, Xu-Fu gets full health. Tally comes in Spirit Claw until Tally dies. Doodle comes in. should still have a couple turns of moonfire still up. Claw Doodle down to about 300 health then level 1 pets get to work. With pet treat each level 1 made level 12 at the end of the fight.
Camped @ 31.86 68.88 on the rocks above the green circle. Killed 2 rounds of Felbound wolf spawns then the big bad wolf spawned, killed and pup spawned almost immediately. All in all about a 10 minute wait.
Great against flyers for an aquatic
Balance Druid here, stealthed to first spawn, noted where the crabs pathed and picked a spot to battle. Drew no agro and got pet. Same with other two battles, never drew agro.
Mech killer! Awesome vs. Eddie Fixit and his crew.
Picked up Baa'l last night so this quest is still working. As a balance Druid I shapeshifted and flew to the Tom/Tom cords above the cave, so a water strider is not a must have. Used a water walking potion to sit on the water and summoned my feast of fishes then. it can be set up right beside you on the water. Then swam down and picked the pebble With plenty of fatigue room to spare. Don't give up!!