Happybunns' Comments
(4) comments by

Comments by Date (4)
A good pet to use for capturing wild pets because of his Food Coma ability, which always hits. I'll hit a pet twice with it and then trap twice in a row. Even if it doesn't work, it at least sets up the trap for the next attempt.
I lucked into getting two rare ones and I use them when hunting for rares quite a lot.
A good pet to use for capturing wild pets because of his Food Coma ability, which always hits. I'll hit a pet twice with it and then trap twice in a row. Even if it doesn't work, it at least sets up the trap for the next attempt.
I lucked into getting two rare ones and I use them when hunting for rares quite a lot.
"Crunchy" is right. He's good for helping train up your team against teams of critters with his Crouch adding to survivability and his Rampage leading to good damage output.
A good pet to use for capturing wild pets because of his Food Coma ability, which always hits. I'll hit a pet twice with it and then trap twice in a row. Even if it doesn't work, it at least sets up the trap for the next attempt.
I lucked into getting two rare ones and I use them when hunting for rares quite a lot.