Haeze's Comments
(3) comments by Haeze

Comments by Date (3)
If you are looking to maximise the capability of this pet, you need breed 18. She heals like mad, so total health means very little. If you go for breed 15, many times you will be healing before you took any damage (wasting the heals). The idea is to maximise the damage output, and healing of the pet... both of which are based on your Power. The breed with the highest power is the P/S (18) breed, and thus will heal for more than most pets can damage in a round.
Definitely not my favorite pet, but a decent one if you need to burn someone down quick. To make him more usable, I combine him with a Scourged Whelpling. Have the whelpling lay down Plagued Blood, then immediately switch to this guy and do Scorched Earth. Plague will heal for more than the Scorched damage to Firewing, then start spamming Deep Burn, which will heal you as well.
I would recommend against using Murder to double the damage of Deep Burn. It's not worth it.
Does anyone know if her Haunt ability allows other pets to use Consume Corpse on her "dead" body multiple times in a battle ?