Gottacatchemall's Comments
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Comments by Date (12)
Please note: She can and will kill Courage, the Larion cub - so keep that in mind if trying to get it.
Caught a rare blue at 47, 59 in Winterspring.
Caught a rare as a secondary at 73, 40 in the Crimson Expanse.
@ Aiikena - That's great, but what were the coordinates?
Edit: Found one, secondary to a Crimson Geode like you said, at approx. 75.93, 39.66.
Found 2 rares in one fight at 56,17 in Coldsnap Bluffs, Frostfire Ridge. Both S/B type.
Had been looking for a rare for a while, and finally found a S/S at 45, 75.50 in Zulduzar near Xibala.
Yes you can. I'm currently leveling it on an Ally alt.
The Bundle of Wicker Sticks is in a Hexed Chest that appears after you put out 3 Witch Torches.
You don't need to use a Terrible Turnip for this pet OR the Fledgling Kingfeather in order not to kill it accidentally. Just use a Nordrassil Wisp w/Soul Ward, Flash, and Beam. Gets 'em every time!
Caught an Uncommon with my Terrible Turnip at 72.57, 24.98 around 12:30 AM Realm Time, Americas