Golgonar's Comments
(3) comments by Golgonar

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Posted: May 31, 2023 4:05:36 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
Re: Blaze Spirit
Dunno if this makes a difference at all but since there is limited information on how to obtain this pet i exclusively trapped souls from the Blazing Inferno in Thaldraszus. Figured it makes sense that i get Blaze Spirit from the Blazing Inferno. Got it after opening 10 Docile Fiery Souls.
Posted: December 07, 2022 11:04:22 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +5
1-3 of 3
looks like this achievement is meant to be timegated. As i understand you would usually have to wait for this quest to come up 3 times to get 6 out of 18 each time. However when you are in a raid you can get all 18 in one go without them despawning on you once you have 6 for the wq.
Edit: Looks like the moonkins do disappear once you saved 6, at least i cant find any after doing the wq but you can cheese this as i mentioned.