Goblein's Comments
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Re: Guild Herald
How is it certain warcraftpets.com members have both the horde and alliance version of these pets?
Posted: February 14, 2014 4:07:22 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Stone Armadillo
They spawn at 6:30pm server time, did a complete loop at 6:25 nothing, just after 6:30 almost every spawn point
Posted: January 19, 2014 9:37:43 PM
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Rating: -1
Re: Unborn Val'kyr
Fortunately I have 20 characters level 80 or higher. I positioned each one at a different spawn location. All but one character are on the same server, I currently run two accounts. I then cycled through my characters simultaneously on both accounts. After approximately 200 logins in two hours I saw 5 of these, 3 already engaged by another player and two that I captured.
Best pet I have found for safely leveling a level one carry pet.
Posted: November 04, 2013 8:03:38 AM
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Rating: +1
My server I have seen a ton of gold and jade, but not one crimson
Posted: June 15, 2013 8:29:48 PM
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Rating: 0
1-5 of 5
This is the only pet that has this ability. At the end of Two rounds after activated, you will be unattackable for 1 round, 4 round cooldown. So this makes you unattackable 20% of the time, giving your enemy 2 round notification of what you are doing.
This ability is available on 5 pets. Ability always goes first, blocks all attacks for that round 3 round cooldown.
Make sense to anyone?