Glenth's Comments
(12) comments by Glenth

Comments by Date (12)
I had really bad feeling about this one since im on Kazzak and the server has super duper high population. Farming on the Timeless Isle can be really frustrating. Thats why I decided to farm this one in small doses. So I started every now and then, usually late at night to have more chanses of finding the Dancers alive. Then I did some farming yesterday evening and some today, in the afternoon. I think overall I have killed around 100 Dancers and finally today I got my tiniy little one =)
Time for this one! I farmed this one an entire afternoon while the server was having a crashing problem which basically made the rares spawn everytime the server restarted (3 to 15 mins). I killed it around 15/20 times with no luck. After a while the crashing problem was solved, I tried one more time but there was an ally mage shotting everyone in the area (Im not a pvp person =P ). I tried again in the eve with my bf (first time for him) and he dropped it! And he was so kind to give it to me =)
Just about to start farming this tiny little one. Got the Charm, Kalu' ak fishing pole and Weather-Beaten fishing hat. Fishing in the Isle of Giants both pools and open water. Lets hope for the best!
After like 30mins I moved from the Isle to Kun-Lai, I fished a bit @ the Shado-Pan Monastery (really few casts) and then, thanx to a comment I read on the wow forum I moved to the small lake SE the Temple of the White Tigers and I got lucky =D White Carp after not even 10 mins! (no pools)
Updating the previous post: after 3 long and intense day of full farming, I finally got this one while fishing in the Vale, up to the NW, in the small lake above the Halls. It really took me forever! I was using the Charm, plus the Kalu' ak fishing pole and the Wheater-Beaten Fishing Hat. Fishing 600 (+110). No pools. And now to the final one, White Carp and Im done. Fingers crossed!
After being quite lucky with the green carp I didnt really know what to expect with this one. I kept fishing @ Field of Niuzao hoping to get either this or the blue one. I think I spent at least 2 days, fishing thousands of fish and not getting any. It was really frustrating at some point. Then,today, I logged in after dinner and there it was, Tiny Red Carp after only 3 casts, and like 10 mins later I got the Sea Turtle. So,what to say: good things come to those who wait! And now to the blue one
I was pretty lucky with this tiny fellow as I wasnt really looking for it. It took me less than an hour and, as strange as it could be, I got it while fishing in Fields of Niuzao, Townlong Steppes. I say strange because, based on Wowhead and El's guide, Fields of Niuzao is not listend as a "dropping spot. But it happened to me! I think I was luck with this one, and something that I learn is that you dont have to expect anything, the more you expect, the less you get. No charm/lure/hat, 600skill.
1727 mobs and counting.... not really lucky yet =(
Im focussing my farm on the Gnolls and some wild horses, every now and then I fly around killing random mobs. Maybe Im doing something wrong..
Gave up after 5000+ kills, found it on the AH for 2k gold, bought it.
I have also waited and hoped in finding some kind of luck in the server's reset, but I was wrong...
Well, I hope ill be more lucky tomorrow.
Firefly you will be mine >:( ............ hopefully..;_;
After 2nd day of farming, still no firefly...1911 kills and im still here -.-
Finally, after 2249 kills, it dropped ^^
After trying more than 9 hours and killing more than 1500 mobs I decided to quit, my boyfriend tryed a little more without any result. I started trying again next morning and, without any expectations, Ive dropped it after less than 100 kills =). It was really surprising lol
My conclusion is that It doesnt matter how many whelplings you kill, its only luck!
So good luck you all ^^
Im missing 3 pets from the Timeless Isle. Was pretty lucky with all the others, but of course the RNG curse of the doom is back on me. Farming this one for days, cant tell how many times Ive killed this thing (and I would add: being killed so many times for that stupid pvp coins) but nothing. And the best part is when you kill it and the guy next to you just drops it like this. =(
Well, keep trying and trying...