Gilneas' Comments
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Slight correction to the patch numbers... the patch that is coming in December is patch 8.1 (what is on the PTR). Patch 8.1.5 is coming in the new year at some point and will have some content updates similar to 7.1.5 with Legion (i believe they said Brawler’s Guild was for 8.1.5). Finally, Rise of Azshara is patch 8.2, with another minor content patch coming some time after that (that one would be 8.2.5).
Submit Locatus to Blizz as a suggestion quick. It must be made real. ;)
The wording suggests to me that they are just being cute. The murlocs are making a choice of Alliance or Horde. Seems unlikely that you have to pick one or the other. They probably should have worded it so as not to given even a hint of that impression.
They do seem to still be uncommon when learned, yes. Makes sense (despite the rarity), since they did say that all crafted pets should be uncommon now.
For those looking for this, it seems the rare spawn he drops from has a respawn timer of 50-90 minutes. I've had him be up when I come check slightly before 1 hour, and sometimes I've had to wait 30-40 additional minutes.
Just hope you have better luck than I do. Currently at ~50 kills and counting. O.O
Be patient! Soon!®
Lil’ Ragnaros has always been fairly popular. Other fire pets replicate his functionality but he has the highest power of any pet.
Lil’ XT can be pretty useful in certain situations. Same with Lil’ KT and the Pandaren Monk.
The Blossoming Ancient is also good, but again it’s functionality is potentially replicated by other pets (though it might just be one — Broot — in this case)
Hope that’s helpful!