Genera9's Comments
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Caught today off the coast of SW Thunder Isle, just NW of Za'tual.
@Kurasu: Further info: Since about Feb. 1st, I've had Frost Shock definitely slow the enemy, though not chill them (frosty icon used to appear with the slow one) which the game appears to accept as the same thing (when it does slow them--about 20% success, in my experience--Deep Freeze hasn't yet failed). Perhaps there was a hotfix on the 1st that broke this while fixing something else?
Just chiming in to confirm that rats and librams are not mutually exclusive: I saw three librams today with nearly a half dozen tameable rats running around.
Also of possible interest, one of the librams was inside the dome boundaries, on the little hill-path leading up to Indigos' spawn.
Saw this headline on Facebook, first reactions was "omgwherewhereWHERE?" lol. First of many previously-LE, one hopes!