Gealden's Comments
(6) comments by Gealden

Comments by Date (6)
Rusti, I might be interested in setting one up for EU players. Just need to figure out how, since my main server is a bit burdenend with alts who are all in my main guild atm
I think they fixed the showing up as poor on the site.
Got mine after 4 times seeing it spawn, first time it died before I could hit it
number 4 dropped the pet.
I find it a slow respawn timer :)
Caught mine near star's rest in Dragonblight. Lucky for me I needed to go to do some shopping so I havered near the spot.
Just before I left, I checked and saw the spawn. Caught it as a common and stoned it to a rare. This was my luck after numerous flights around all the spawnpoints.
Till now no luck finding one.
Have made a dk on a rppvp realm, saw mutiple on route to argent tournament, but they were gone, so guess they are x-realm now too.
Lucky on one of the other alts I stationed in Icecrown, just found a poor one
I got this one on a twink rogue I had at that time. Since then it was not learnable or account wide I lost my claim on it. I deleted that twink years ago to make something I did actually played.
Now I hate myself for having done that.