Gallatyn's Comments
(26) comments by Gallatyn

Comments by Date (26)
Alganon is tough. I found a team that can defeat him w/ 2 pets. Macabre Marionette (upgraded to rare quality) 1/2/1 abilities. Emerald Proto-whelp (PB) 1/1/2 abilities. 3rd pet doesn't matter. Start off with Marionette using Siphon Life>Dead Man's Party>Maraca>Maraca until Comet dies. Switch to Emerald Proto-whelp and use Emerald Dream>Ancient Blessing>Breath (IN THAT ORDER). Use Emerald Dream followed by Ancient Blessing on cooldown with Breath as filler.
Seems like Blizzard has hotfixed the multiplying Zoom function. NVM...I just found 2 more in my pet log this morning after caging 2 the night before last and then caging 2 again last night. Now I have like 8 Zooms.
Heroes in a half shell. My only beef can only have 3 of them, and there are 4--Donatello, Michaelangelo, Leonardo...and Raphael. My set won't be complete and this makes me sad, Blizzard.
This pet is like having a bottle of 409. You can use it to wipe out ANYTHING. I use it against the pet trainers all the time and it usually solos anything you can throw at it (albeit slowly)...even stuff it's weak against. Ironbark/Photosynthesis/Sunlight is the most effective combo of skills I've seen on any of my pets.
Just an FYI on this pet. It's true, you can't battle with it or trade it...BUT, you CAN level it up by using training stones that you get from Erris the Collector. I have already leveled up 1 pet using these stones (K'ute), and I'm sure it will work for this one too.
They really should make him do an animation where he displays his tail feathers all up...
It does more than just "idle about" like the description says. Its animations are very similar to the Perky Pug. It scratches its ear, sniffs the air, and scoots its butt across the floor--but unlike the Pug, it leaves a firey trail scootage after which it turns and then sniffs the molten leavings in typical dog fashion.
I have also found these guys in Talador along the shore starting at 64.5/63.1 where the Riverwallower beasts are grouped...and continuing up along shoreline to the north, on both sides of river.
My Pengu does nothing when I emote /sexy at him. He just stands there. Is he broken?
40 Garnia kills before I got this pet to drop. Hint about getting up to Garnia quickly (forget the albatross). Buy the glider from Ku-Mo, the vendor at the S end of the Celestial Court, OR use a parachute cloak or mage slowfall. Go out to sea a bit from the lake (into the fatigue zone), until you can mount a flying mount. Fly up REALLY high then fly towards the lake. When you get dismounted, use slowfall, parachute cloak or the glider and when you're over the lake, cancel it and drop into water.
Fished mine up at Shado-Pan Monastery in a Tiger Gourami pool on the day it was "fish of the day". Took about 300 catches with 600 fishing level and default pole.
Got mine today as a drop from the Jademist Dancer elite NPCs on Misty Strand. Dropped after I killed about 5 of them.
I think his tornado animation is HILARIOUS! I love the cows. I bet it's a tribute to the movie "Twister" when Helen Hunt's character yells out, "COW!...ANOTHER COW!" as a tornado sweeps across a lake carrying a lovely Holstein with it.
I was exploring the Thunder Island and ended up in a mine on the NW of the island on the back side. I walked through the mine, found a secondary exit, and found myself in the area just outside the Thunder Forge. There was an uncommon Thundertail Flapper right there! So I am now the proud owner of one electrified little beaver!
Just captured mine on a bright, sunny day in Tanaris just outside the Caverns on the path leading to the cave's entrance (62.47, 50.58). This was my first attempt, and it was a rare!
GUESS WHAT??? Even though the Cockatiel (and the dragonhawks) show as grey in your achievement log for "Eastern Kingdoms Safari"...when you finally obtain all the other "trap-able" get the achievement (as long as you have already obtained those pets)! I just got the achieve and all the animals that were "grey" (dragonhawks, cockatiel, etc) suddenly counted. YAY!
You don't HAVE to have flying to get up to where they spawn. I rode up there on my chicken mount. Make your own path up starting at about 70.62/55.45. Just wind your way up and around the back side of that mountain range.
Just doing a fly-by for grins and came across 2 whelplings around 73/48 on Echo Isles at 2:10 pm server time.
Another one checked off my list!
Engineers can now make a Rechargeable Reaves Battery that can be used over and over. It has a 30 minute cooldown. Once you make the Reaves Module: Bling mode to install in're all set. Every 30 minutes you can summon a Blingtron 6000 and it doesn't cost ANY mats. Right now, there is a Knockoff Bling on the AH on my server (Echo Isles) with a staggering price tag of 450k. Ugh.