Gahtmilch's Comments
(3) comments by Gahtmilch

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Even though the new weekly quest is global when you take it, it seems only the character that accepted the quest gets credit towards completion.
So if you take the quest on char A, and do Kura, or a WoD trainer on char B or C, the quest will not have advanced when you log back on to char A.
I hope this is just a bug, but y'all should be aware of this if you are not expecting to have to complete this quest in one go or on the same character.
Posted: September 02, 2015 2:17:14 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +3
Re: Sapphire Firefly
Current known location waypoints for your convenience:
/way 45.0 34.0
/way 49.0 41.0
/way 55.5 32.2
/way 57.0 42.0
/way 49.5 50.5
/way 58.0 51.0
/way 52.0 70.0
/way 45.0 61.0
Posted: June 29, 2015 4:52:44 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +4
1-3 of 3
Finally got one of these to drop. Can now confirm it does drop off of colors other than the "dark blue podling". Mine came off a brown Talador Orchid disturbed podling in the Garrison.