Frozenbog's Comments
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Somebody asked how players might have both Horde and Alliance versions of these pets. If you are a member of a guild of each faction that has earned the pets, you can have both. It's that simple. SMH at faction "loyalty." One misses so much of the game if one doesn't play both factions.
Sandstorm when I logged onto Doomhammer around 21:00 Pacific time. I went to the Gaping Chasm instead for the first time, and the first one I battled was my rare. Change is good.
Found it on the AH on Hydraxis for 2000 gold. Shook my head in disbelief as I clicked "Buyout" and ended the ridiculous grind. Still need the Emerald Whelping, so my work in Feralas isn't done....
Got my rare at 1:39 pm server time on Hydraxis. It was the very end of the storm, when I ended the battle. The storm lasted at least ten minutes, and the Baby Apes did respawn at least once.
I've been flying around Storm Peaks on two separate occasions now, seen Arctic Hares below, landed to battle and they phase out right in front of my face. Anybody else had this problem?
Been farming first Pandaren and now Draenor archaeology for trade-ins since early in the MoP days. I have more than one toon with the profession, but mostly farm on my main. I've completed between 16 and 27 of each of the commons, 1 each of 4 rares, and still no Claw. Meanwhile, I have both Draenor pets from Archaeology already.... Some days I think I'll lose my mind. Just adding my story of woe to the others. Enjoy!