Frog's Comments
(6) comments by Frog

Comments by Date (6)
Wish Grumpy had a bark or some other interaction on click. Maybe he just needs a hug?
Woot!! So excited to meet folks!!!
I was looking for a P/P and not finding her anywhere! Captured what looked like a B/B and it turned into a P/P in my journal. Sneaky! This girl pecks up a storm. Watch out aquatic pets everywhere! Gonna put her in my team against the Pandaren Water spirit.
Need to move on from farming these as after hours and hours, no luck. So plunked down my 7k at the auction house and can get back to focusing on raiding. Will be interested to see what the actual drop rate is. Reminds me of my grind for the Gundrak hatchling (which I did eventually get to drop).
Had fun leveling him today. He's the only pet I actually enjoy seeing get killed due to the spilling-loot-everywhere animation. His Portal ability is nice - dodge to sink those nasty attacks (I'm looking at you Pandaren Water Spirit) and then switch out and let someone else finish the job. Need to figure out what other two pets will work well with him for PVP battles.
Any meetup at Blizzcon this year? Cheers!