Frightwig's Comments
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I farmed the outdoor area at the bottom of Felsoul Hold around 29,82 and the nearby cave called Halls of Eclipse. After about two hours of farming, the Eye dropped for me off one of the inquisitors in the cave. Someone mentioned below that they thought the drop rate seemed off--I agree, I don't think it is nearly as rare as one might be led to believe.
For the past couple of weeks, I've been stopping by the barber shop to check for the rug whenever I run by. Today it was there, so I caught two bunnies, one poor and one common. P/S and S/S, respectively. I only saw poor/common quality bunnies hopping about, but I did see all three breeds. Edited to add: I used the Terrible Turnip to catch the bunnies without accidently killing them.
Just got this cutie--I did a practice run on the PTR before I attempted on live, as I didn't have the Perky Pug, but read in Wowhead comments that the puzzles could still be completed without the pug, providing you had the Ogre suit. It worked fine on the PTR without the pug/with the Ogre suit, so I went ahead with the puzzle on live and had no trouble. Practice on the PTR works great for this quest as your potions/mats will not be wasted if you screw up.