Friendzie's Comments
(8) comments by Friendzie

Comments by Date (8)
For your garrison Menagerie pet daily: use this pet against the Goren team of Rockbiter, Stonechewer and Acidtooth. BONESTORM absolutely wrecks this team. He can't kill the opening pet Rockbiter, but by the time the Fossilized Hatching dies, the other two will be very low on health, allowing almost any other pets to mop up.
Some of the pet battles have legendary pets that have extremely good longevity. Massive heals, resurrections, etc. I fought one in Gorgorond today where it was an undead pet with a partial and a full revive that you couldn't get around. Guess who outlasts that? Magical crawdad. Ragnaros is to offense what this guy is to defense. Definitely worth having!
It's now easy to find a rare leveled-up sea gull right in your garrison, at least as Horde - not sure about Alliance. There's a battle with a level 25 sea gull in your fishing cave. It respawns fairly quickly.
I was wondering the gender of Argi, and confirmed that she's a female from the description on the Blizzard store. On the positive side in battle: a few of my beasts can heal, but I don't have any other pets that have as big of a heal as Argi. All my other beasts have HOTs. Definitely going to level her. :-)
His durability can't be denied. It's nice that he attacks while he heals, although this can occasionally backfire if the opponent shields.
Can't agree enough on how strong this pet is. He can easily wipe out a team of mechanical enemies by himself, and with his single target skills he's potentially devastating against almost anything, especially after level 15.
As I'm rating this I'm new to pet battling, but Grommloc has been one of the better ones I've tried so far. His ability to heal makes him last a fairly long time, and he has some really high damage moves, including the fact that his heal buffs his damage. Extremely good damage against either beasts or dragonkin. The only pets I've tried that are better than him are Son of Animus and Lil' Ragnaros.
Not a great all-around pet, but definitely worth considering if the opponent has elementals.