Fr0z3night's Comments
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Just got a Blue Amberbarb Wasp S/B
Got them in the Everbloom Wilds area (Gorgrond 54,44) while doing Assault on the Everbloom garrison daily.
Also got 2 Blue Axebeak Hatchlings, H/P & P/P in the same area as seconds.
Just got a second Blue Axebeak Hatchling, H/P & P/P
Got them as seconds pet battling in the Everbloom Wilds area (Gorgrond 54,44) while doing Assault on the Everbloom garrison daily.
Also got a Blue Amberbarb Wasp S/B
Got mine yesterday before being kicked off my server, pretty easy, just run around the back of the place and up the snow ramp to the platform to the coords of the previous post, and there it was wiggling away in the nest (due to either addon or server error I couldnt see it in my bag til relogging) assume its like the raptor in duswallow marsh, may have a respawn timer.
First one I found, Rare S/S :)
got it off the AH for about 4k, pretty cheap considering it was already lvl 25 :)
Just in case this hasn't been commented before, they burrow after about 30 seconds or so, didnt actually time it, placeholders need to be killed for pets to spawn, they burrow as well.
Yea I have also seen them as seconds, on other pets close to the area, but assume the actuals have more chance as a rare, I've been running around 52,23 back and forth killing the place holders, and ogres for the black tabby drop while looking for a rare one of these.
Defeated Vesharr with
- Chrominius H/H 222
- Emerald Proto-Whelp P/P 211
- Fel Flame H/S 111
Chrominius. Surge Of Power, Arcane Explosion (Repeat Until Dead). Switch to Fel Flame. Immolate, Conflagrate, Burn, Conflagrate (Enemy Dies). Immolate next pet, then Fel Flame Dies. Switch back to Chrominius Repeat moves above.
Didnt use Emerald Proto-Whelp, but is there in case Chrominius dies.