Fordbroncogurl's Comments
(20) comments by Fordbroncogurl

Comments by Date (20)
Figures, after farming bones since December, and killing more of the Direhorns and the Hatchlings than I could ever count, I break down and buy two on the AF for 100 Gold each. Farm tonight and 2 of these drop in my first 5 kills. Really? My Hubby is still laughing at me, LOL.
As a Hunter it took a few days of farming to get the bones to get this guy. Off to get another for my Hubby and then stockpile for the mount!
Cleaning up someone elses skinning and came across an Uncommon in Thorn Hill at 62 - 56. 11:00P server time
Literally hit the ground and found a nest..Got my baby! 49.12 - 17.45
Just did a fly over, and bam, caught one! Poor, but I don't care, LOL................................................. That is what Stones are for! 51 - 37
Found an Uncommon after all! Same area!
Caught one on my 9th cast RIGHT outside the Rabbit Cave @ 78 - 80. Honestly had NO idea what it was, LOL. Moon Moon last night and the Sea Pony tonight!
Sooo, 29 tries later, and I got my Moon Moon! So worth the wait! Figures though, my Hubby got his on his third try, LOL....
Got the Ahes of Alar mount last week and this guy this week running it solo...My luck is holding!
It took me over 50 fights to actually find a Rare. Heck, it took over 20 to even see an Uncommon. Thankful that is over, LOL.
Had one drop on my first run. He is leveling up faster then most! And my 7yr old thinks he is the best looking pet so far, LOL.
Caught a Rare on my second try. 84 - 58 1:08pm server
Second battle and got my Rare! 70 - 22
Walked into the cave, and found an Uncommon at 52 - 85.
Just caught a gray at 82 / 66 while doing a fly by to get my Explorer Achvmnt. Luck day!
Just snagged a Rare as the primary at 56 / 57 after 2 Uncommons and a Poor.
Just got a drop at 46 / 10 after maybe 25 kills.
Just snagged a Rare as the primary at 60.53/50.69 within the actual fence line for Everlook. And it's an H/H! Took me a while, but worth it!
Just wanted to get Achvmnt. for Kalmidor, and the first pet I came across was a Rare Ravager Hatchling! @ 52 - 46
Just snagged my rare at 30-55. P/B too!
Dropped down to pick an Herb and literally landed in the nest! 64 - 23 under the tree!