Fleurdelis' Comments
(9) comments by Fleurdelis

Comments by Date (9)
A lot of fights that use Teroclaw Hatchling can successfully substitute any moth with Moth Dust, Cocoon Strike, and Alpha Strike. Even before the change to Teroclaw, I was using moths in WC and DM Challenge Modes since they are so plentiful. Helps out immensely with the no healing in the challenges.
Finally got a dragonkin stone and upgraded my uncommon. This was the first stone I've gotten so far and fitting to upgrade my first pet to 25.
Wow, what a morning 7 amish CST 11/17/2012 and I had to have what amounted to an entire respawn to myself. At least 15 - 20 or so. I caught two uncommons, found several others, but no rares. Just when I was content with my catches, I saw two more spawns. One was poor and the last at 73.30, 49.19 was RARE!!! Yay!!! (Previously, I had only seen 4 spawns and only caught a poor.)
They are indeed available in Hyjal. I have a level 20 one tamed, albeit poor quality. :(
Got a poor one early this morning. I'm going to try the kill all the pets strategy and see if I can get a better one.
After trying the various killing strategies everyone suggested, I started killing every lion as well. After about two circuits around SB, I found one with parents alongside Desolation Hold around 6 am server Zul'jin. I was lucky enough to get an uncommon.
Also Winterspring
Just saw them up when there wasn't a sandstorm and now that there is a sandstorm there's not a one to be found in either place.
A lot of fights that use Teroclaw Hatchling can successfully substitute any moth with Moth Dust, Cocoon Strike, and Alpha Strike. Even before the change to Teroclaw, I was using moths in WC and DM Challenge Modes since they are so plentiful. Helps out immensely with the no healing in the challenges.