Fireman305's Comments
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Comments by Date (4)
Extremely disappointed. I would have preferred it be an option. I was #3 on my realm and am now bumped down to #15. It definitely affected my motivation to collect and level more pets in the near future. I feel like Sisyphus.
Logged on to my server, Smolderthorn (Horde) at around 2 am and behold - after weeks of checking, there were finally dual sandstorms over both silithid areas of Tanaris. Battled basically every hatchling I could find - didn't manage to get one rare. Oh well. People on this site tend to be too negative about just grabbing a poor or common and stoning it. I have no pride regarding this subject. I'm a parent, time is precious, my WoW time is increasingly a rare commodity, and if spending 15 charms saves an hour of fruitless searching for a rare, so be it.
Can't say enough good things about this pet. Tanky. Versatile. relatively quick. survivable. Just plain awesome and my goto pet whenever I have an open slot and am not sure what I'm going to be facing. I often sub this in for my Anub Idol when I start getting sick of Stoneskin and Deflection spamming.
The battle stats are too good. Blizz is either going to move or replace at least two of the abilites I see here.