Fips' Comments
(8) comments by Fips

Comments by Date (8)
1-8 of 8
Yay, just started working on it! Got 5 fragments so far, but I'll be patient...
Dwarf: 19
Fossil: 47
Night Elf: 118
Tol'vir: 32
Troll: 47
Total: 263
Dwarf: 19
Fossil: 47
Night Elf: 118
Tol'vir: 32
Troll: 47
Total: 263
Posted: August 09, 2012 1:03:21 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Fox Kit
Bunny Hunter got the drop chance wrong. It states 1:200 instead of 1:1000.Finally got it today after 1828 kills! Yay!!
Posted: August 06, 2012 10:24:42 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
Re: Sea Pony
This pet sometimes moves halfway into my character, so it's only half visible, which is kinda sad as it is so beautiful. Not so hard to get though, as it will only take you an approximate hour of fishing. Good luck to everyone :)
Posted: August 06, 2012 8:20:51 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
Don't forget to read the letter Kekek sends you after you finished the quest chain. So sweet :)
Posted: August 05, 2012 3:15:20 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Firefly
I counted 21 Bogfire Needles on each tour. As they respawn really slowly, I had to take a break of 3-5 minutes between tours, so it really was a pain in the *** to farm...Also, if you're using bunnyhunter, it states (wrongly) that this pet drops at a rate 1 out of 1000. Don't give up though, it's awesome and really worth it!
Posted: August 05, 2012 3:11:08 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
I recommend dismissing your pet if you have any, as your pet sometimes causes you to be marked as in combat even if you already killed the mob, which again will prevent you from mounting. As the raptors are pretty far from each other, it's faster if you mount between raptors and fly.
Each tour took me about 7-9 minutes. With an average of 30 rounds per pet this makes an average farming time of 3-5 hours. Good luck!
Each tour took me about 7-9 minutes. With an average of 30 rounds per pet this makes an average farming time of 3-5 hours. Good luck!
Posted: August 05, 2012 3:08:37 PM
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Rating: 0
SoS is perfect to farm, as the mobs respawn quickly, the route is easy to follow and you can easily sell your stuff nearby if you're horde. Also, I'm pretty sure the drop rate is more as stated on wowhead: 1 bag in 11 Shifting Mireglobs, 1 pet out of 58 bags which makes an overall 1 pet in ~640 kills.
Mine dropped on the 221st bag though. Guess that's the revenge for getting Searing Scorchling after 5 days of fireland daylies.
Mine dropped on the 221st bag though. Guess that's the revenge for getting Searing Scorchling after 5 days of fireland daylies.
Posted: August 04, 2012 6:38:07 PM
Edits: 6
Rating: 0
1-8 of 8
This pet is HUGE. And it moves by jumping. It certainly won't get unnoticed.
Best way to farm rep with Sho is by bringing her 5 Eternal Blossom Fish (made of 5 Jade Lungfish + 25 Striped Melon) each day. She's located at 29.6, 30.6 in Valley of the Four Winds if she's not at Halfhill Market. (When I asked Gina Mudclaw for Sho's location, she gave me different coordinates, which were wrong.)