Fenrasta's Comments
(5) comments by Fenrasta

Comments by Date (5)
Since patch 6.2, the spawn pattern has changed. I have seen 2 Giraffe Calves spawn now with no adult Giraffes nearby. (I was fighting other pets in the area when they spawned, so I know it wasn't a case of a Calf leftover after the adult died.) It seems to be that any of the battle pet spawns in the appropriate areas has a chance to be a Giraffe Calf.
I have also seen them in Talador both as primaries and secondaries (mostly secondaries), especially in Kuuro's Claim and the cave in Deathweb Hollow.
This pet is not showing up in the "Wild Pets by Zone" (Draenor - all zones) search.
I've been hunting for a Rare Fluxfire Feline, and since Patch 6.0 hit, every single one I fought has been Uncommon. I think they changed the base rarity from Poor to Uncommon. Can anyone else confirm?
I've found 5 in a row now that are rares, and everyone I've talked to in WCP/MM/LPL/PP and A3 (all pet collecting guilds) said they got rares on the first try as well. I think this pet might be base-quality of Rare.