Farble1670's Comments
(6) comments by Farble1670

Comments by Date (6)
No healing or damage reduction ability is going to hold this guy back.
I'd say the PvE battle prowess of this pet is overrated. No self healing. A mix of aquatic and elemental damage. PWS fits the same bill and is stronger.
Nonetheless an easy to farm pet with a nice model. Good for collectors.
This pet is underrated. Flock + a heal and 25% x2 damage buff in a single spell is pretty great. And it comes in S/S and P/P varieties.
Plus it's a chicken.
These are in homogenous groups of 3 so you get 3x chances for rares each battle. There are enough nodes / fast enough respawns so you can almost battle non-stop until you find what you want.
I picked up a blue P/S and P/P in about 1/2 hour.
These are low damageĀ + heavy heals / damage mitigation. They can be a little annoying with how slow it is to kill things.
For alliance, see Blind Wunja instead:
/way Nazmir 34.55 55.00 cave entrance to Blind Wunja
Contrary to the battle info here and wowhead (and my addons), there are H/S breeds of this pet.