Etta's Comments
(14) comments by Etta

Comments by Date (14)
Found mine in a corner today by Mogu'shan Palace. It was a rare and the primary pet. The mogu invasion was active. Coordinates were 77.51, 24.44. Use the targeting macro. There was no way i would have ever seen it. For whatever reason the little green paw never appeared on my mini map when i was flying over for this pet!
As everyone else has said, House of Constucts. I only saw one of them the whole time I was there and luckily it was rare. It was right down in the middle with the big roaming boss.
I got mine right after maintenance over on the west coast of the island by the little gnome. I had tried going into the Mechagon dungeon and resetting several times over the course of days, but never saw one. This was the first and only one I have ever seen.
I ran around killing Thornclaw Broodlings (critters and pets alike) and finally found this guy - on my birthday no less AND he was blue! 25, 62 in Felsoul Hold area
There were comments on Wowhead saying that this "event" was broken on live servers and that no one could interact with the NPC needed to spawn the rare mob. I checked for myself this morning and that was indeed the case. As of 1:59 PM EST is appears that the rare is just patting around on his own without anyone needing to interact with the NPC to get him to spawn.
38, 42 in Spires tonight around 11pm. Add that location to your list!
This pet is not tied to Immolatus or critter spawns. If there are not any spawns around, kill the infernals. I know other people said that and said it didn't work, but I put a ticket in and a GM hinted at exactly that. Read the tooltip on the pet along with this from the GM: "Essentially, it all boils down to patience and luck. The more you kill the nearby mobs, the more likely it becomes for a specific mob to spawn, even if it hasn't shown up yet. Just hang in there!"
I have been camping this little guy for days (about a week now) and have yet to see him. I've used characters in various phases of Icecrown and multiple servers including Venture Company which does not have CRZ. I've had no luck. I've seen a lot of other people camping and sadly horde have just decided to kill me repeatedly.
UPDATE: Finally got him today and invited others in the area to my server to get one as well. Happy Holidays!
I couldn't find any so I took my character than had finished Twilight Highlands out there and ta da; there they were! If you are having this issue I suggest switching characters because of phasing. I'm sure we remember how frustrating farming twilight jasmine was/is.
Just an update. 1993 raptors later I finally got this pet to drop! This is not an easy grind. If you do the entire circle there are 33 raptors to kill each time. Sometimes a new one will immediately spawn so you will get more than 33 each time.
Found mine at 50.70, 64.30 in Thaldraszus. It was 2:54 AM server time so I can confirm that this is NOT a daytime only spawn as was speculated by another user. I did have to use the critter kill method to finally get him to spawn as well as battling/murdering the other battle pets in the vicinity.