Ethlin's Comments
(9) comments by Ethlin

Comments by Date (9)
Does this pet appear super huge (To the point going off the journals screen) in the pet journal for anyone else?
This is the only snail with the blue antennaes as far as I know.
Alright, got mine in Crystalsong at the location sort of under Dalaran. It was common (Quality) and the "Balanced" breed. Was nearly 8PM (Server), and it was just sitting there, I wasn't actively camping it (I logged on that character to sweep the zone every hour or so).
Locations aside, for battle, what breed do you think would be better? Full HP or Balanced? I'll capture the other once things die down a bit (Next patch?)
I killed about 200 of these so far (Going by the teeth drops) and have yet to get this pet to drop, so I think it's safe to assume it's a rare drop (I'm guessing like the other world pet drops, raptor, whelps, etc.)
I believe the flavor text is a nod to the movie "The Princess Bride" (Made after the book of the same name), here is a link.
Oh well. (Update: I got it this Winter Veil, hurrah)
I don't recall people crying for wanting this one back, this was a rather unexpected thing when people found out it dropped from the daily bag. I could agree if it was the Amani Warbear or something, but not this.
With this switched to the updated model, has anyone else noticed the purplish red (Like the warlock pet) variant has become the orangish red variant?