Estralyta's Comments
(3) comments by Estralyta

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Da Rock! Foundation of the infamous "Howl Bomb" a must have for any serious battler. He might not have the post after post on how long he was camped or how difficult to battle to get, yet out of a handful of steady get'er'done pets, he's my reliable go to guy, luv u Rocky!
Posted: July 03, 2015 8:14:40 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Fen Crab
Third battle in tannan jungle and captured a rare P/P tertiary off of a Bloodbeak north of Vol'Mar.
Posted: June 29, 2015 3:50:28 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-3 of 3
After grinding thru TOC on two toons for the Legendary Back and running it over and over again on prof alts, tonight I finally got this little pest via the BMAH, with a little luck from a friend *shoutout to Kiralayne*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ty my friend :-)