Esterhazy's Comments
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ahaha! I love this pet. I had no idea about the tornado and I had my plates showing (ctrl+v) and all of a sudden two cows buzzed past me. Made my day.
I was surprised I fished this up instead of the tiny red carp from the [crowded redbelly mandarin] pool in the fields of niuzao... I thought that zone was red carp teritory only.
Caught this in the Woods of the Lost in a [large glowing Jade Lungfish pool]. Unfortunately I'm not having the best drop rates it took 6hrs to fish up.
I did use the charm but the buff was off when I fished this up.
Not long now.. possibly maybe.
For those who didn't get it in PTR it basically spawns where ever you're getting the sidewinders and scarab hatchlings in AQ. It's not just at the Scarab Wall, it's also IN Ahn'qiraj (as in fly over the top don't go through the actual raid zones.) It spawned everywhere in that area, even in spots you can't get to unless you have a mount. Just FYI in case you hit a heart stopping moment of not finding it when it does spawn, explore the nooks and cranies.
So I stopped counting at 6k fish (just grocery bagged them and powerleved my cooking) BUT I finally caught one! This one!
Where: Sri-La Village, Jade Forest
From: Reef Octopus Swarm pool (daily pool)
Charmed?: No
It hasn't been mentioned but the pet isn't blue to begin with! When fished up it has white text, only when learned does it turn into a blue/rare pet. I was so sleepy I almost missed it because I was looking for a blue item to pop into my bags.
Good luck collectors!
100% drop rate on this little fellow.
Was lucky enough to have some fantastic guildies who took the time out to help me kill G'nathus (hits like a truck!) and they all passed on the pet so I could have it. I then helped two other groups and it dropped everytime.
He is no longer in a bubble (like he was in PTR) instead he is free and alot more electrified. A great pet!
In PTR this dropped from the rare (silver dragon) Haywire Sunreaver Construct (NPCID:50358) found on Isle of Thunder. Like the other battle pets off rares this is not a 100% drop.
Find him patrolling the beach south of Ihgaluk Crag
Yes you will read comments of people getting one with in moments of starting but from experience this will be a solid farm for most. It personally took me 8(ish)hrs of solid farming, a mate 11hrs.
As for the pet in battle it's not bad, has a nice mix of attacks and the 100% stun is pretty sweet. It's not as powerful as Stormwing is reported to be but for PvP, when you don't know what you're facing, this pet will come in very handy, but that's just my two cents. Good Luck!