Epicleptic's Comments
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1-10 of 10
Re: Jade Oozeling
Of all the 5 oozes the Jade Oozeling is the only one which can have breed 4; the only breed with all points in Power. I would suggest that you invest time in obtaining one of these with this particular Breed ID. If you have the time, try and grind for a Rare one, otherwise subject yourself to a lesser quality one and upgrade it. It'll be worth it for the lovely diversity :)
Posted: February 08, 2013 4:54:09 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Porcupette
Keep in mind that it is the container, Pet Supplies, that is the (daily) quest reward, not the pet itself; you can buy/sell this pet on the AH. Being the early days of an expansion this pet is going for very low ammounts of gold, both in terms of what is considered expensive and for the rarity-to-cost of this pet.
Posted: October 03, 2012 8:59:48 PM
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Rating: 0
Already stated on Worg Pup so I'll quote myself.
"Hoping someone else could check something. I just bought, to my surprise, both the Worg Pup and Smolderweb Hatchling from Karin <Stable Master> in Stormwind. I may not have looked properly but neither appeared to be of limited supply - but I bought both, learned them on my alt and checked the vendor again to find only a Rope Leash for sale. Anyone else encountered this?"
Edit: Appaears it was a kind of reimbursement of lost pets on an old toon!
"Hoping someone else could check something. I just bought, to my surprise, both the Worg Pup and Smolderweb Hatchling from Karin <Stable Master> in Stormwind. I may not have looked properly but neither appeared to be of limited supply - but I bought both, learned them on my alt and checked the vendor again to find only a Rope Leash for sale. Anyone else encountered this?"
Edit: Appaears it was a kind of reimbursement of lost pets on an old toon!
Posted: July 27, 2012 12:58:32 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
Re: Worg Pup
Hoping someone else could check something. I just bought, to my surprise, both the Worg Pup and Smolderweb Hatchling from Karin <Stable Master> in Stormwind. I may not have looked properly but neither appeared to be of limited supply - but I bought both, learned them on my alt and checked the vendor again to find only a Rope Leash for sale. Anyone else encountered this?Edit: Appaears it was a kind of reimbursement of lost pets on an old toon! :)
Posted: July 27, 2012 12:43:00 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
Re: Crawling Claw
Just popped by a Tol'vir dig-site and dug up 9 fragments, then 10 and another 10! If this was an intended change then CRAWLING CLAW HERE I COME!Just looked over the patch notes and it's not included so it could be a bug, but who knows... I'm taking full advantage of it :)
Posted: November 30, 2011 9:32:50 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Winterspring Cub
Just climbed on to the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet with this guy. As the boat departed he slowly slid back and then did litle runs towards me until he was running on the spot in the far room of the boat! Cutest little bugger ever!
Posted: April 27, 2011 9:43:43 AM
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Rating: -1
Re: Rustberg Gull
Although I love this pet, I'm finding that when I roam around on a ground mount - especially while I've been farming the Fox Kit in Tol Barad - I've noticed this wee gull not being able to keep up and just not returning to me :( He does eprfectly well in the air so I'll assume it's a minor bug of sorts and hope it gets fixed. I hate my wee gull not following me into the fray in Battle Grounds! :'(
Posted: December 13, 2010 10:01:29 AM
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Rating: -1
Re: Fox Kit
I farmed for about 5 hours yesterday and haven't had it drop yet. I found it easier in my last hour when there was 1 other person farming though. It turned out that I could kill each fox twice before moving on to the next area and me and the other farmer were hardly at conflict. Much more conveniant w/ atleast one other farmer in the vicinity. Good luck to all trying to get this wee bugger. Battle.Net rates it at 1%-2% drop rate but I'll agree with that 0.1% chance... it makes me weep!
Posted: December 13, 2010 8:21:25 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
Re: Pebble
To answer a few queeries...The dailies in Deepholm do alternate. I'm pretty sure the Pebbles daily alternates with a daily given by the Goblin in the same cavern as Pebbles - which is the daily required for players to easily gain access to the location the rare spawn that drops the Tiny Shale Spider spawns. Have fun getting Pebbles :)
Posted: December 09, 2010 8:21:09 PM
Edits: 2
Rating: +2
1-10 of 10
Was saving to produce the mount... I caved and made Rascal-Bot. Any confirmation on the 2 different breed IDs listed here? Seems odd considering to have 2 when he is unique and non-cagable.