Enigma_TL's Comments
(3) comments by Enigma_TL

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Yea, I am having the no show problem with mine. I claimed it Tuesday night and the store says its been claimed but its still not showing in my journal. Blizz keeps telling me I have to wait 24hrs and log out but its been 4 days. I have never had Bananas before.
Posted: March 27, 2021 6:10:07 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Question: I did the quest line (Horde):
The defense of grom'gol: raptor risk
Just Hatched
Think She's Hungry
Favored Skull
A nose for this sort of thing
Whose a big troll?
Skullsplitter Mojo
BloodLord Mandokir who Took the Egg and told me to come to ZG.
Is this all there is to it or is there more? Some say a quest Be Rapter needs to be done but after the rapter is taken then what?
Thanks Eudaemonic... Did that one then went upstairs and talked to teh troll. Hoping this is it
The defense of grom'gol: raptor risk
Just Hatched
Think She's Hungry
Favored Skull
A nose for this sort of thing
Whose a big troll?
Skullsplitter Mojo
BloodLord Mandokir who Took the Egg and told me to come to ZG.
Is this all there is to it or is there more? Some say a quest Be Rapter needs to be done but after the rapter is taken then what?
Thanks Eudaemonic... Did that one then went upstairs and talked to teh troll. Hoping this is it
Posted: April 30, 2011 6:05:41 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
1-3 of 3
Just noticed that Ruffle mounts courage when mounting up.