Empy3's Comments
(4) comments by Empy3

Comments by Date (4)
I wanted to add that the over-top-of-lava-pools spawns share a location with non-pet critters, and that several of the Bilescourge flying in these locations are not reachable for the purpose of initiating a pet battle. Just initiate whichever you can reach, then ranged kill anything left, and wait for a respawn to see if you get anymore pet spawns. That said, I don't know if there is a hidden timer on the pet respawns, as it's been a while now since I last saw any.
Clearing everything alive (maggots+oozes) IN the cave does seem to at least encourage spawns, if not guarentee them. Over the course of about 90 minutes of clearing, I saw about 8-10 Jade Oozlings spawn, usually 1 or 2 at a time. Keep running laps around the cave and clear whatever is up - be patient. Also, as a side note, check outside the front door as you run by, sometimes they will spawn just outside the entrance but will not show up on the mini-map when you're actually inside the cave.
Does anyone know if the drop rate on the Oozing Bag from the SOS Shifting Mireglobs was nerfed? Wowhead has the droprate listed as being just under 10%, but I've killed close to 150 slimes and have only had 5 bags drop. It doesn't take a terribly long time to kill these as an 85 druid, but with the drop rate being closer to 3-4% for me, it's getting pretty frustrating pretty fast.
I would strongly recommend having at least one good tanky pet and/or sunlight creator on your team if you're looking for a rare P/P. Amplify Magic + Mana Surge + Fel Immolate can be painful in the capture battle, and there's a possibility you may lose more than one pet to the Wyrm before a capture goes through, leaving you to sort through the two backline pets with one remaining on your team. I was surprised at how big of a dent this pet put in my standard capture team.