Elixis' Comments
(13) comments by Elixis

Comments by Date (13)
I use the Pandaren Water Spirit with Chrominius strat.
Geyser then Whirlpool, then switch to Chrominius
Howl, Surge of Power. DEAD!
You can also do Zao right after with the same pets.
I went at 9pm and there was 6 of us. I got a Poor B/B.
As others mentioned, lanturns came out at 9, then a minute later the NPC's, then a minute later the Achievement and followed by the pets. Then at 9:23 they left, got the achievement on another toon, pets do not spawn. Only on the Opening (9pm and 11pm) came back at 11 and I was the only one! Got me a Green H/S and a grey H/H. Will upgrade the H/H if I get an aquatic stone. Or try and find a blue next time, whichever comes first.
After no luck finding one in the mountains, looked at the rats and librams. Fouond mine as a secondary to a rat.
Found a Blue and My Turnip was only 13 so it died and all I had left was my 25 idol. So I left cuz i was about to kill it, and switched out my dead pet and when I went to click back some a** swooped in and took it. This really ruined my good night I was having. Got a poor one H/B this morning. I'm not content.
I saw one as a monkey. I swear it was messed up flying monkeys! http://imgur.com/ytNPv4R
Is it just me or is this one kinda lame for dropping off golemag?
Just found mine it was gray in Grizzly Hills. ( 26.57)
A side note I noticed, having npcscan showing the places where rare spawns are on the map is key. I noticed all coords i've seen posted are where rares spawn. I headed to one (Grocklar) and found him there. So try checking where rares spawn!
Got mine after restart. I realised one of my servers is lower pop and there was less people camping there. If you have more then one server, scope out your least busy one. As the servers came up I went on the one that was up first, which happened to be my low pop one. I was the only one there!! I only got an uncommon, but at least we will be able to upgrade soon!!
Went onto my regular server after and there was around 10 people there!! Glad I scoped out my low pop one!
I got mine around 8am server. Was no one there but me!! I got a common one out of around a dozen of them. Gonna try again at midnight for a rare!
Mine was with a squirrel. :)
Was just doing archeology and killing them as they respawned. Got mine on the left of coilfang.
Does it spawn more then once per faire?