Elisimo's Comments
(11) comments by Elisimo

Comments by Date (11)
two days of searching at various times of day and night. finally found an uncommon at 8:00 AM CDT this morning. it wasn't raining. Got my Draenor Safari achievement. yay!
I agree with Gruhm and Yek - H/H is the way to go!
Today at about 2:00 PM US CDT, in a small crowd of green paws* just west of Rivers Heart in Sholozar, I found a level 20 poor quality Unborn Val'kyr. Finally! I may have a different add-on. Doesnt show B/B or H/H. It does say she is a Rare Guardian. I used a battle stone on her - she is now a level 19 rare.
Max Health - 1806
Power - 276
Speed - 228
I think I'm going to enjoy her. Happy hunting! (The *Green Paws are from an add-on, in case you use something else.)
Finally found my level 6 rare. 3 Aug 14 11:05 PM US PST in Duskwood at 32, 39.
Happy hunting!
After a complete lap around Felwood, I finally found a green one in Irontree Woods (50, 26) :/
Quel'Thalas (Latin American server) 9:45 pm server time. Top of winding road/ramp up to AQ40, on the first platform before bottom of stairs - 54, 8. Finally found one! Common, but who cares?!
Wish it were so Dakaf, but it isn't.
The 3 pets for the Veteran Nanny achievement must be collected on one character.
Finally! Had a toon camped here, would check back periodically. Was beginning to think this would never happen, but this morning I finally got mine.
Realm: Suramar Location: 44, 41 Server Time: 3:12 a.m. Quality: Poor - but I don't care, I have a stone. I am OUT of this wretched place!
I finally caught a common today at 3:45 a.m. server. (72,40) and got the Northrend Safari achievement. woot! then an uncommon at 68,35. They are definitely few and far betwwen... thank goodness that's done!
Read the comments; when I arrived at 8:14 am cst, (6:14 am server) they were here waiting for me! Was hoping for a rare, no luck, but in the area around and just north of the heart-shaped lake next to Greenwarden's Grove [52, 38 to 54, 33] there were five: 3 poor, 1 common, 1 uncommon. All gone by 6:30 am server, and no respawns after. So, get up early and good luck!
Got mine today after 57 kills. Yes, I feel lucky!