Elende's Comments
(10) comments by

Comments by Date (10)
Hmm, is there such thing as WoW Karma? While I was taming an uncommon one of these, a horde player attacked me-- by accident it turned out (think they were aiming at a wasp), and as soon as I got my hunter's pet called off I saw that an alliance person had grabbed my hatchling! Well, not *mine* I guess, but I was standing right next to it while I was figuring things out w/ the horde player... Anyway, the next one I found nearby, and it was a rare! ; D
Oh, I am sooo slow on the uptake sometimes! lol I got the achieve at least a couple of days ago, and I did not realize until today that there is a new pet to go with it, when I was browsing which pet achieves I still need! rofl Very ugly (just imho!), should be called "The Sha of Pet Obsession."
It is that time of year-- I named this utterly adorable little guy Moonraiser, after the winged lion King of the Isle of Misfit Toys (Rudolph, anyone?)! : > Kind of a big name for such tiny shoulders, but I think he can handle it! So glad he turned out to be account wide.
A big thanks to the folks who recommended the beach coordinates to grab this guy! I am on a pvp server which complicates matters-- players from both factions were attacking each other to interrupt tames, but I was kinda off by myself when a common spawned right in front of me. I don't think anyone realized I was taming! lol
Many thanks for all the tips for finding this guy! I found him on the Tanaris docks by Gadgetstan-- lucky to get a rare-- and I have seen him there in two flyovers since. He has shown up as a second pet in battles across Tanaris too.
This cub is a bit of nostalgia for me--- back in my hunter's first days, the grown-up version of this cutie was the first pet we tamed! Now his little brother gets to battle too! : >
Ha! I know that pets will show up when you are taxi-ing over them but disappear ala crz when you land-- but, entire sandstorms?? lol Still hunting this guy!