Elenac's Comments
(4) comments by Elenac

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
Re: Jubling
Yes, it's the same for Alliance. But, you apparently need now to make a trail with the ale from Jubjub to Morja. Tried to get this with a guildie, and he would not hop to Morja if you just put the ale at her feet. Jubjub is in the forest just behind Morja, he can be easily found hopping around there.
Posted: December 06, 2011 6:48:05 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Peddlefeet
Haa, Peddlefeet... finally you are mine, after edluding me for so many years!!! *bwahahhhahhhahhhaaa*Another good place (if you don't want to set up a raid) is to ride over the zombies where you do the Battle Before the Citadel.
Posted: February 08, 2010 3:49:23 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Toothy
At least for me the 60% drop rate seems not to be true. I haven't got a single bucket in a looooooong time. And even before that the bucket drop rate was way lower than 60% for me... and only Muckbreath and Chuck, no Toothy. :(Edit: Well... I threw away the buckets that I had been carrying (to remind Old Man Barlow which ones I don't need), and the very next time I did the fishing in Stormwind daily Toothy dropped. It might have been just RNG having a laugh at me, though.
Posted: February 06, 2010 3:31:37 AM
Edits: 3
Rating: -1
Today was on my third day of farming, when I suddenly realized that of course it hasn't dropped yet, I'm missing an important ingredient for farming whelps - the Jenkins title! So, off I went to the UBRS.
Hah, now the whelps should be scared into dropping the emerald whelpling! According to my calculations, I should have a 32.33, repeating of course, percent chance of it dropping.
Hah, now the whelps should be scared into dropping the emerald whelpling! According to my calculations, I should have a 32.33, repeating of course, percent chance of it dropping.
Posted: October 31, 2009 10:24:31 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +5
1-4 of 4