Edmuir's Comments
(13) comments by Edmuir

Comments by Date (13)
Confirming that the BattlPet ID glitch is still happening as of 12/21/16. I captured a common P/B which became a P/P when added to my journal. He's a fine newbie Mech that you'll probably set aside once you get better options. Still his animation is pretty hysterical when his not-insignificant Demolish wrecks the other pet. Love the model and the P/P is definitely a fun addition to your stable.
Acquire this pet ASAP if you're a new battler as it is simply essential in so many instances. The only issue I ever find with it is that I often would prefer a more powerful Mech attack in slot 1 or 2 (not that there's anything at all wrong with the existing powers there and that would probably make the Zepplin irrelevent). Appealing model with unique moves (Decoy and Explode are both handy) that will quickly become one of your most-utilized pets. A pet with few peers.
Among the most powerful battle pets available to new players and simple to acquire. Catch & release in Exodar until you have 2 or 3 of the P/P breed. Level them, then stone them as you go. They will not disappoint. Some players will be frustrated by their reliance on RNG, but their ability to dish out serious damage & avoid Pump and Burrow sorts of attacks make them invaluable. Once you have these on your team, the rest are likely vanity moths, except for a Call Lightning Moth or two.
It's criminal that this guy is not in the Top 20. Seems utterly broken in Pandaria making a mockery of much of the content there. As a top flyer, it competes (and exceeds imo due to surivivability and flexibility) with Yellow Moth, Ikky, Gilnean Raven.
Can often be found on the AH for shockingly low price. Essential Pet.
Had to wait and run AQ solo to get him, but got lucky and The Big Guy dropped on my first time through. Believe the hype. He's all that and a Bag of Chips. The Black Lotus/Timewalk of Battle Pets. Completely busted, probably should be nerfed to be honest. Go farm him up as soon as you're near Lv 90 or drop the gp on the AH if you can't be bothered. Truly an essential pet.
Confirming that these are now relatively easy to find in Northrend occuring at the spawn points indicated by the AddOn. Just grab them as you happen to fly over them. A solid addition to your team, but not proving to be the powerhouse that its rating would suggest; disappointing ime compared to the Scourged Whelpling. I'd advise catching the preferred breed & not worry about a blue. Lydia Acoste is a pretty reliable source for Undead stones if you don't mind adding her to your daily route.
Just to confirm that not only are they spawning outside the Caverns, but Rares can be found there as well. Took me 3 trips total, 3rd trip mid-morning found about 12 outside (several showed as grey on my map but didn't bother going into the caverns). Nabbed 3 of them (2 common P/P & P/S will stone later) and lucked into a blue P/P. Would be helpful for us newbs if someone would detail the nerf (of any) and if they are still indeed as good as described. Let the leveling now commence.
Make a circuit of the NW corner starting just N of the flight into Refuge Pointe. These are frequently seconds to prairie dogs & occasionally rats. The S/S breed is one key to a 2-pet crushing of Major Payne in this vid. Often 325 speed is plenty and the extra power (+20%-ish) for Flurry and Burrow is quite relavent. Excellent pet to nab in both S/S & H/P (simply for a strong bunny) and stone later. The brown & white calico model looks super sweet as a bonus.
Easily a Tier 1 Battler. New Pet Battlers should make a bee line for this guy as soon as possible, likely your 2nd dragon after NFD. Fantastic for leveling your Lowbies. Use w/ a carry pet (5th lv+ because Cyclone) at Wyrmrest Temple, East of the Stable Master. Press 3 keys & nearly the entire team is vaped while you read, make sandwitch, wtvr. Carry pet makes an appearance, then Sexy Nexxy finishes the survivor. Occasionally, fly over for a heal. Very fast leveling for wild pet battling.
Underrated and beautiful pet, far better than its sub 3 battle avg suggests. Worth noting that these beauties spawn (rapidly) in one of the best Leveling Areas in the game so, really no need to farm for a P/P rare. Simply fly East directly away to the bone pile nearest to the Stable Master (Wyrmrest Temple) with your Nex Whelp (or similar) and carry pet (above Lv 5 due to Cyclone). Fights take almost no time & you'll score all the rares of this pet & likely an S/S Alpine Hare as well.
Still appears to be quite a long wait to get the breed that you want (let alone a rare). In 10+ days of checking (spending 30 minutes or more in the spawning zone), I managed to find about 12. Lucky enough, 1 blue P/P, 1 blue P/B and a white P/P (stone it later). Killing off the other nearby pets didn't seem to have any effect on the spawns. It's a ridiculous battler that everyone should own. Just takes some effort. Ridiculous combo of power/toughness, all but unkillable.
A relatively easy and powerful mech pet for new players. Just use the Fishing method described in the earlier comment to nab your 100 daggermaws and with the proceeds from the Treasure Map quest, grab the Zep. I think it is more valuable for new players than the Tonk which you can grab at your next DMF. Decoy protects your carry pet, and if you're near to a stable master, you can simply Explode and give all the XP to your carry pet.
Extraordinarily strong against Mech pets and a muts have (P/P) for anyone still doing the Draenor Masters (see the Cymre Brightblade strat on XuFu's site). I think this is a vastly underrated pet.