Edgewalker_001's Comments
(7) comments by Edgewalker_001

Comments by Date (7)
After the nerf this pet is both a literal and figurative monkey paw.
It still sells for a lot of gold if you get one though.
I'm just keeping mine for completion.
"Beware, I live!"
This guy is probably one of the most boring battle pets in the game, it looks dull and it has boring animations.
That said it is THE pet to own for PVE pet battle content.
The combination of priority defensive move (shields up, red alert!) With sandstorm and the humanoid passive turns this guy into a supertank.
Plus it's FASTER than Ikky from what I can see.
I'm definitely going to farm for this pet for my new PvE team.
The cave that the white egg is in is very high up compared to most undersea caves in the game and this may throw you off when looking for it, it is not at all close tot he seafloor but rather next to two crags with some seaweed and other colorful undersea props, once inside it you have to swim straight up, and enter the cave proper through a small pool in the floor (ceiling from your angle when you enter).
Hope this has helped someone not swim around in circles for half an hour like me.
I can't believe noone else mentioned this but Mr. Bigglesworth is not your average undead kitty.
He's a frost specced kitty death knight.
That alone makes him the greatest cat pet in the game, even though my faithful Feline Familiar is still better at soloing draenor pets for taming/leveling.
The price on these has really spiked in-game. I bought mine yesterday for 400k gold. (Level 25.)