Eddieo's Comments
(7) comments by Eddieo

Comments by Date (7)
So far, I have found this pet only as a secondary in The Ringing Deeps and every single one in over 100 battles it has appeared in has been rare quality.
So far, I have found this pet only as a secondary in The Ringing Deeps and every single one in over 75 battles it has appeared in has been rare quality.
So far, I have found this pet only as a secondary in The Ringing Deeps and every single one in over 50 battles it has appeared in has been rare quality.
I can confirm this pet comes in 2 variations. One is a tall and slim mushroom cap with two smaller mushrooms growing out it. The other is a short and wider cap with 2nd cap about 50% of the size of the main one along with a 3rd one about 25% of the size. Has a few smaller ones on the 3 bigger ones.
I have found as both a primary and secondary. The tall version seems more common than the wide, which seems to be no higher than 25% chance of appearing. Reset trick works to spawn the one you need.
I can confirm this pet comes in 2 variations. One is a tall and slim mushroom cap with two smaller mushrooms growing out it. The other is a short and wider cap with 2nd cap about 50% of the size of the main one along with a 3rd one about 25% of the size. Has a few smaller ones on the 3 bigger ones.
I have found as both a primary and secondary. The tall version seems more common than the wide, which seems to be no higher than 25% chance of appearing. Reset trick works to spawn the one you need.
They are out there. It helps to kill all other battle pets in the area of a spawn point and then camp it. While they don't share spawn points per say, the area can only have so many battle pets spawned, so by killing th other other ones (hares and chimpmunks), the server has a chance to spawn an owl. Worked for me and others I told to try it on Sargeras at around 11am pacific today.....got an uncommon one and left. Figured I would let others get theirs then come back for a rare later.
This pet appears to be appearing as an error as a secondary battle pet. Apparently it was meant to be a treasure item of some sorts in Hallowfall when you are level 80. Odds are Blizzard removes this from wild pet battles in the first major patch update.