Durkmenistan's Comments
(6) comments by Durkmenistan

Comments by Date (6)
Seems unobtainable? I've followed the guides and completed the questline, but the toy is not interactable in either phase, and in the storm phase I actually see Marmaduke's ghost. Is there a condition that makes the pet unobtainable and he dies?
Update: The world quest "Storm's a Brewin" conflicts with the Marmaduke questline and makes the toy uninteractable. Complete the world quest if you are unable to proceed with the toy.
I actually had a character ready to do the Grand Gutsy Solutions quest, so Slim hasn't been a problem for me. Marmaduke is unobtainable. I've followed the guides and completed the questline, but the toy in not interactable in either phase and in the storm phase, I actually see Marmaduke's ghost. Is there a condition that makes the pet unobtainable and he dies?
Update: The world quest "Storm's a Brewin" conflicts with the Marmaduke questline and makes the toy uninteractable.
It would be nice to know if the promotion results in three codes or one. If it's three separate codes, I could split the tab with a mount collector friend...
Edit: Somewhat confirmed! Add one of the Razer products to your cart and then checkout. It will show you that each of the three digital items is a separate item with a product key delivered by email. Customer service says up to 14 days after order. I can't technically confirm that it is true, but it seems correct.
I was really hoping that Lil' Ragnaros was a typo, and they were actually going to re-release Warbot from that old promotion. Would've fit the last couple of events where old items have been made available again, like Plunderstorm and the Anniversary. But then again, they did skip Lil' Frostwing...
Lil' Ragnaros has not been retired; it is still purchaseable in the Battle.net store.
Are there really two breeds of this Store Pet? It doesn't seem like it'll be very useful either way, but it would be nice to he able to choose one or get both.