Drycoff's Comments
(3) comments by Drycoff

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Re: Molten Corgi
If you were lucky enough to login over WoW's 10th, then use this pet as your go-to for capturing wild pets. Its Superbark ability is amazing for capping pets of a low level, even if your Corgi is level 25.
Just make sure that there is no weather effects that damage the rival pet, and you're probably good. Happy hunting!
Posted: February 24, 2016 10:10:59 AM
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Rating: +2
I've noticed a lot of folks recommend the Unborn Val'kyr to go up against Tarr The Terrible in Nagrand. If you don't have the Val'kyr, a great substitution is the Sister of Temptation.
Take the Sister, Creepy Crate and a carry pet (lead with carry, then swap in Sister). You'll win almost every time. She's a great pet against other humanoids, and pretty easy on the eyes too!
Posted: February 24, 2016 10:05:14 AM
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Rating: 0
1-3 of 3
They may not be the most versatile pet, but they're an absolute terror if going up against a beast team. I capped a B/B and S/S while I was there in Blade's Edge. Got the B/B as it was a rare, and needed to stone the S/S.
A great pet to use against Gargra in Frostfire Ridge. Usually, you can takeout her first two pets with a single Cogblade Raptor.