Drybones_'s Comments
(3) comments by Drybones_

Comments by Date (3)
I encountered a glitch with this pet earlier today. A person in Pet Battles Polymorphed this into a frog with a frog's ability, and it was turned into a completely white frog. When the polymorph effect ended, it turned into a blank white model DIFFERENT from the Father Winter's Helper Model. I have a screenshot right here. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/347/7/f/a_bug_in_pet_battles__world_of_warcraft__by_drybones0-d5nxdnu.jpg
I got this guy a few weeks ago. I was just walking around, looking at the TCG cards, and grabbed a pack. Bought it, went out into my car, and what do you know... It was in the pack. EDIT: After buying another pack, I found out I got another, and gave it to a friend. Seems like these guys are really common, so you should probably pick up a few packs, and give it a go at getting one of these guys!
I'm a Roleplayer on Moon Guard, ßùtch , and I named this pet Beaky. In RP (Roleplay), Beaky is a majorly idiotic but lovable penguin. And by majorly, I mean MAJORLY. This pet is very lovable, and it deserves more recognition. Please, go out to Dragonblight, and grab one of your own! They're on icebergs, just so you don't aimlessly fly around looking for one on the shore.