Drgrafenberg's Comments
(2) comments by Drgrafenberg

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Long-tailed Mole
Thank you Dawnseven very helpful comment!
Posted: January 15, 2013 2:30:15 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
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Here's my story, sad but true...after reading some posts here I went to a spanish low pop realm & spent a couple of hours lvling a DK so I could leave it camp out shatter scar in felwood. So I lvld & moved DK to felwood looked around - nothing :( Went back to my norm realm to move my toon out of felwood & guess what...Minfernal sitting there (rare too) battled & won :) just in time as another player turned up looking for Minfernal too. Lucky or unlucky? Well at least I got it... Sat 8am