Docmesa's Comments
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Comments by Date (9)
Ummm, your transformation page is missing an ability - "Feathered Frenzy" which the Apexis (and corrupted?) Guardians use to change from Mechanical to Flying
So what happens if you use a Fel Petal on a Fel Flame?
Still hoping for the mini-Murmur pet too. =/
Got my Grunty today. Heavily armoured firepower has never looked this adorabe. <3
Having completed the first 30 days of grinding, I can now repeatedly grind for the bags. And when I get this pet, I'm calling it Pita.
No interactivity with Murkalot. This needs to be addressed.
I think they missed an opportunity with K'ute. It could have been a pure support pet with no damaging abilities. Instead, it could have abilities like Accuracy, Magic Barrier, AoE heals, Celestial Blessing, Righteous Inspiration and so on. Combine it with a very low HP and moderate speed perhaps...
Oh, and I totally want the Sister of Temptation for my warlock. :3
This is going to sound weird but has anyone else noticed their Cinder kitty behaving oddly around druids in cat form? In a raid last night, my cat sat down next to cat-druid and refused to budge until I had moved a long way off. I may have imagined it but I thought I saw a little heart appear in the air at one point.
It could have all been my imagination but I'd really like someone else to check.
Did this patch take away the Deathwatch Hatchling? Hoping like hell I havent missed my chance. =/