Digikattshaw's Comments
(3) comments by Digikattshaw

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
I just hit over 1800 kills and still do not have it. I imagine its must like the other hatchling pets of its same model. If anyone has an extra they want to give me I won't complain. ;}
Posted: January 04, 2014 4:13:14 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Flayer Youngling
These pets would be a lot easier to get if the skinners didn't love the place so much and go from end to end repeatedly killing everything and never giving the pets a chance to spawn.
After many days of camping I finally found a breed 5 of this pet. I used a battle-stone to upgrade it. It was a poor. If they aren't spawning kill everything and wait a few minutes then they will spawn more pets. If you can't find a breed 5 (It took me forever) then a breed 9 is the next best thing.
Posted: August 17, 2013 12:40:16 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
1-3 of 3
I finally found this little guy! There was only one. A poor quality but I didn't care. I had an upgrade stone. I found it at 9:18 pm pst on norgannon. I took the portal to the lower section and it was right there in the middle of the little community. 5 secs after I got him someone showed up. I'm so lucky!