Deftfingers7's Comments
(4) comments by Deftfingers7

Comments by Date (4)
if you're lucky enough to get a crow, do not spend months and months farming a rare like me as you will be very bitter and cranky (and i finally got one, at lvl 10!). capture any quality and use a battle stone to upgrade it to rare from one of the pandaran daily bags. seriously. save yourself the agony.
on the plus side, squak + Murder on an aquatic pet: Shore Crab (like on jaguero isle, leveling pets waiting for rain to nab a Baby Ape) is a devilish combo.
i recently was given a calico kitten in real life and was excited to name my calico cat in game after my kitten. however, since most real life calicos are FEMALE, i am surprised to see my in game calico listed as male. i am confuzzled.
as previously mentioned, this spider only comes out at night. i saw they started popping up at 8:30pm server time, on rexxar. there were lots out camping for these buggers, so perhaps i didn't see them before hand. they can also double up as a second pet with all the others in the zone, saw mainly with skunks, dusk spiderlings, rats, and mice. good luck to those getting it, my rare was off the main road. also, i saw one in a tree that was untargetable, at (35.01, 53.06), on the raven hill side.
got my little blue fishy in the crowded redbelly pools earlier this week (fish of the day) in townlong, near the temple grounds. i was fortunate and caught the white one on the coasts of kun lai (outside zouchin strand) over the weekend! fishing up two of these wee ones makes up for the years it took to get an emerald whelp!