Deelightful's Comments
(10) comments by

Comments by Date (10)
I found one at 45.86, 68.57 as a main pet, I tried all other locations already noted in the comments and had no luck. Then randomly came across this place, hope this helps the next person looking for one of these birds :)
Found mine at 53.45, 30.60
Found pet at 56.06, 46.33
Found pet at 52.01, 48.21
This pet dropped for me after completing Normal Un'Gol Ruins in the Victory screen.
This pet was dropped as a reward at the end of a Victory in Heroic Wispering Reef for my partner, of course he gave him to me! :D Poro is a cute little fella.
Can confirm, quest 'Adopt a Tadpole' is available for pick up, but the tadpoles arent. Looks like we will have to wait for this little pet.
I've got lucky today got this pet today when rain started to come down at 18:50 GMT on hellfire - EU ;D and a rare too !! woop woop
Cought one at last on Hellfire-EU @12:13 pm GMT when I logged in on my alt toon which I parked in the right area. And on my first go got a uncommon :D
Found as main pet hopping around at 33.73, 25.75