DeathPet's Comments
(7) comments by DeathPet

Comments by Date (7)
1-7 of 7
Re: Whiskers the Rat
I noticed today, if you're on your seahorse mount in the deep see, whiskers will start leaving trails behind him or if you stop he'll skid and leave a trail of sand.
Posted: December 21, 2010 10:37:07 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Just follw Your nose-! Ha ha Tucan Sam. This pet reminds me of him. Sadly though I don't deploy him much in dungeons since he looks too colorful. Always in sholzar basin though :)
Posted: March 23, 2010 12:20:31 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Enchanted Broom
I really enjoy deploying this pet after a huge pull and ordering it to "clean this mess" (with an emote). Its funny as you run away, its still kind of cleaning the mobs you just slaughtered and then sweeps all the way up to the next pull. :)
Posted: March 23, 2010 11:25:46 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Wind Rider Cub
I've had no problem with this lil guy following me on my violet proto-drake (310% flying speed)It does not however follow you in occulus when flying a drake. I haven't tried all the flying mount-following npc pets yet. There should be a category for those that do ;).
Posted: March 22, 2010 2:14:41 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Toxic Wasteling
Try this! Gather up several critters with a critter biscuit, enjoy your little army, but then deploy your toxic wasteling. Poor little guys :\ Instant food for your toxic wasteling.
Posted: March 22, 2010 1:54:28 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Plump Turkey
For the turkey shooter, do not shoot anyone already transformed, you'll waste a shot.
Posted: November 23, 2009 8:09:11 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +13
Re: Bombay Cat
I really really think they need to add to the cats. It would be neat if they bumped up against their owners, groomed, or attacked npc mice. If those can't be done, at least have it purr on click or meow every once in a while would be neat.
Posted: November 16, 2009 10:29:20 AM
Edits: 2
Rating: +1
1-7 of 7